Shih-Lun (Sean) Wu

M.Sc. ('24) in Language Technologies, School of CS, Carnegie Mellon University


NEWS (May ‘24): I will join MIT EECS as a PhD student in Fall 2024, where I will be advised by Prof. Anna Huang.

Hello! I’m Shih-Lun. I recently graduated with a M.Sc. in Language Technologies from CMU’s Language Technologies Institute, School of Computer Science, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Shinji Watanabe and Prof. Chris Donahue. I’m worked on Controllable Music Generation, Audio Captioning, and Spoken Language Understanding. I was a research scientist intern at the Audio AI Lab of Adobe Research for Summer 2023 (mentor: Dr. Nick Bryan), where we built the Music ControlNet.

Prior to joining CMU, I received my B.Sc. degree (in Computer Science) from National Taiwan University. Also, I’ve been with two vibrant Taiwanese AI R&D teams: Asus AICS Center, and Taiwan AI Labs, working as a software dev intern at first, and later as a research engineer.

My undergraduate research focused on Language Model-based Music Generation, where I was advised by the wonderful Dr. Yi-Hsuan Yang. Feel free to listen to our model’s creative works here, or even compose with it! I’ve also worked with Prof. Chung-Wei Lin and Prof. Eunsuk Kang on Formal Verification under Weakly-hard Constraints.